by Anna Schäffner
- April 2024 at Futurelab the Waag, Amsterdam (NL)2024 © Anna Schäffner - photo by Michelle Mantel

arm dances 

by Niels Weijer
- upcoming - 10-11.08.2024 Tilburg (NL)
- August 2023 at Kiezkapelle, Berlin
- Sptember 2022 in the frame of „AUSUFERN FESTIVAL“ at Uferstudios and Lobeblock, Berlin
2022 © Niels Weijer - photo by Malina Daut

Linear Engagement 

by Michael O’Connor

Dance films by Mike O’Connor, as part of his doctoral thesis in the framework of the THIRD Fellowship at the DAS Graduate School. With the support of the Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, the Civil Service and Sport in Vienna, and the HZT in Berlin.

Presented at Universität der Künste Berlin, Rundgang 2022.

2022 © Michael O’Connor - Video by Jubal Battisti

2022 © Michael O’Connor - photos by Niels Weijer